Press Release

12 July, 2024

Advancing Nursing Informatics Training in Cambodia

The long-awaited nursing informatics training that matches the Cambodian context has finally arrived! In mid-2024, selected lecturers from public and private universities, and Regional Training Centers (RTC), started to teach nursing informatics using Up Skill Cambodia (  a fully Khmer capacity-building portal integrated with an Electronic Health Records (EHR) simulator. Up Skill Cambodia is definitely a game-changer! Now, students can learn nursing informatics fully in Khmer and analyze case studies that are relevant to the Cambodian context.

This is a fulfilled commitment made by Khalibre at Aquarii’s business meeting in Singapore, “Cambodia: An Overlooked Destination for Business and Investment” in March 2024. During this important event attended by H.E. Hem Vanndy, the Minister of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation of Cambodia, Khalibre shared its vision to deliver a capacity-building platform that enables every institution in the Cambodian nursing education sector to work together toward a common purpose: improving Cambodian professional skills and learning outcomes

UP_28 June
Nursing Informatics training at University of Health Sciences, 28 June 2024
Nursing Informatics training at University of Puthisastra, 9 July 2024

The pilot project is being held in several provinces across Cambodia, with over 900 nursing students participating and more than 1,500 courses completed so far. Participating institutions include the University of Health Sciences, the University of Puthisastra, Angkor University, and the Regional Training Centers in Kampot and Kampong Cham.

The momentum is building, as the digital transformation architecture enables the platform to scale beyond nursing. It can highly benefit not only the health sector but also other fields such as STEM and education. It enables associations and their related training providers to manage Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Surely, these initiatives will enhance skills development in Cambodia.

A UP student using her smartphone to access the platform

Contact us to learn more about the platform and how it can benefit your organization or association!