Press Release

22 November, 2023

Khalibre Press Release: Nursing Education and Computer Skills Development Platform Launching

The mandate from the Ministry of Health to deliver a Nursing Informatics course as part of the University curriculum brings new drive to the digitization of Health Service in Cambodia. On the other side, this requirement brings new challenges to the universities, that need to deliver the courses in 2023 onwards. One of the biggest challenges is that there is no Nursing Informatics skills training platform.

At the Khalibre Nursing Education and Computer Skills Portal Launch in Phnom Penh (20 and 21 November 2023) many nursing professionals and educators from private and public hospitals, regional training centers, universities and Health Science Institute of RCAF, shared their enthusiasm for a solution to this problem.

Mr. Un San, the Director of Cambodian Council of Nurses, provided insightful thoughts through his discussions with Jonathan Watts, the CEO of Khalibre which highlighted the major challenge – that is, how to accelerate the growth of skills, and how can organizations work energetically together? Afterall, it can take years to create quality evidence-based training content.

The sessions kicked-off with a team of Nurses led by Mrs. Tun Sreypeov, RN, MSN who demonstrated their practical experience and research from delivering the Nursing Informatics curriculum with an Electronic Health Record (EHR) platform and the challenges they have overcome and why they want to implement Khalibre’s Skills Portal with EHR.

As a result of a demonstration of the platform, numerous organizations declared their interest to join the project launch. Andrea Ryan RN, MSN, an educational consultant to the Ministry of Health (MoH) could see this as bringing much value to enabling the MoH goal to improve Nursing Informatics skills.

Khalibre, an IT service company that has more than 12 years presence in Cambodia, demonstrated an innovative Cambodian-driven Skills Portal that enables Nursing Informatics training delivery and continuous professional development today for the Nursing and Midwifery ecosystem.

The Khalibre platform provides some unique portal and training capabilities such as:

  • Security and User Experience – The platform is based on Liferay Enterprise technology designed in California and used by finance, military, government agencies and more globally.
  • Same Same but Different – A common platform for supporting evidence based best practise, sharing training, knowledge but also allows organizations and communities to have their own portal and identity.
  • Inwards and Outwards – University education is one thing, but there is also continuous professional development where training providers need to work publicly.
  • Private Social Network – The benefits of Facebook and YouTube whilst also being able to quality control the information and enable inter-government agency co-operation.

The Khalibre Skills portal with EHR aims to help accelerate the growth of nursing skills for improved patient outcomes. And support every institution and organization to energetically work together, without sacrificing their independence.

If you would like to understand more, please write to (Nov 22, 2023)